Friday, October 12, 2007

Weekly Poll #1

In an effort to make this website more fan oriented, I have decided to put a poll every week. They're just general questions that I feel are important. At the end of every week I'll contact one of the Woogi World staff members that reads this blog and let them know what the results were. This will let Big Wig, and the other workers at Woogi World know what you guys think, and eventually enable them to make changes that positively effect the game.

The poll for this week is about the music in Woogi World. It plays on loop non-stop unless you turn it off, and for people who play hours at a time it can be considered annoying. Hopefully this poll will provide interesting opinions on the catchy tune, and the impact it has on the game. Should it be deleted from the game? Should multiple tracks be added? It's up to you to vote, so don't let Woogi World down!

If you have something to say regarding the subject, but your answer can't be described as a simple "Yes" or "No", then please feel free to comment on this post. After all, this is a place for fan OPINIONS, so I expect to see some. Come on people, do your job!

In other news, I have a number of future articles planned in hopes to get some steady traffic coming to this place, and in turn, Woogi World. I'm not going to say what I have planned yet, but I will say that the team at WoogiFans is doing their best in order to keep you guys updated with the latest Woogi World News, beyond what you might see when playing the game.

All this typing is making my hands hurt.



Kylegeek said...

cool blog this is big man and if you want i can tell you how you can put this thing on so you can see how may people are on

big_pig said...

ya you told me how to do that and i LOVE it sooo much i have like ten on my web site!