Monday, October 15, 2007

Woogi World Picture Time!

Woogi Fans Takes Pictures!

People seemed to be crowding Woogi World today, so I thought it might be fun to take some picutes with this awesome program I recently got. I took a whole bunch and most of you guys seemed to have a fun time posing for the camera, so I think I'll take more in the future. Who knows, maybe it'll become a weekly thing!

I get asked questions from april_gurl.

She wanted a picture I toke one.
(Why did she pick the warp thingy?)

Tractor is too cool for the Woogi Shop.

He put a picture of me on his blog, so here you go...

Bigman is all ready for Halloween!
(More pictures coming soon...)

Random News Update: Woogi Fans just got 100 views since I put up the counter, you guys rock!


Kylegeek said...

man i am last oh well

WoogiFans said...

You're last because those are the order I took them in...

big_pig said...

cool thanx! Cool picture![of me!]

PATCHEYE said...

*glances around for my picture...*

PATCHEYE said...

Haha just kidding. Though it would be cool to see my picture on there.

PATCHEYE said...

can you post the code for the counter on my blog please??

PATCHEYE said...

never mind, i got my own